You can save money when you go electric! Many people know that switching to modern, ENERGY STAR-certified appliances can save money over less efficient models, but did you that you can also receive rebates and incentives to make these changes more affordable? Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, consumers can save money when they install certain energy-efficient appliances or make other energy-saving changes in their lifestyle. For low-income households, the rebates can cover up to 100% of some costs. For moderate-income households (between 80 percent and 150 percent of Area Median Income), rebates can cover 50 percent of costs. Tax credits can be added for additional savings.
For instance, a married couple with one child living in Sacramento zip code 95816 and making $130,000/year could be eligible for an upfront rebate of 50% of the costs on a covered project. Lower-income families can receive up to 100% of the costs!

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Learn more about the Inflation Reduction Act
Consumer Reports: What the Inflation Reduction Act Could Mean for Your Next Appliance Purchase
TIME Magazine: How the Inflation Reduction Act Has Changed the U.S. – and the World
U.S. Dept. of Energy: The Inflation Reduction Act in Its First Year
IRS Guidance: Inflation Reduction Act Updates