Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-partisan, non-profit, grassroots movement creating political will for a national climate change solution.
In cooperation with the national organization, the Sacramento/Roseville chapter of CCL advocates a market-based solution that both conservatives and liberals can get behind: a revenue-neutral carbon tax with 100% dividend to all American households, also known as a carbon fee and dividend. This is the most economical solution to the climate crisis, and it is widely hailed by leading economists. Rather than increasing the size of government or requiring large government investments, a carbon fee and dividend would harness the power of the free market while also protecting low- and middle-income households.
Our lobbying efforts urge our representatives in Congress to support climate legislation and urger members of our chapter to take that message to the local government level when we see an opportunity to speak up and be heard.

What We Do
The Sacramento/Roseville chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby follows CCL’s national model of activism.
- We are active in Congressional Districts 3, 6 and 7, and work with the offices of Congresswoman Doris Matsui, Congressman Ami Bera, and Congressman Kevin Kiley.
- We write letters to the Sacramento Bee and newspapers across the country about the revenue-neutral carbon tax and other issues related to climate change.
- We meet monthly on the second Saturday of every month after the national conference call.
- We offer speakers to inform Sacramento area groups and organizations.
- We need all hands on deck to address the profound risk facing our climate – please join us!
To learn more about the national organization or our climate change solution, please visit the national Citizens’ Climate Lobby website.
If the political will of the people is asleep at the wheel, then the political will of government is likely to be asleep at the wheel.